Dear NAMEN member organizations, individuals and affiliates,
It is with great pleasure that NAMEN announces its innovative member support program “One on One with Coach”, a comprehensive member engagement initiative, providing a myriad of opportunities, tailor-made for both local and regional participating programs seeking counsel, guidance and resources in the furtherance of their mission.
In these personalized sessions, NAMEN will present a host of supportive services articulated as ‘critical needs’ by organizations across the United States and Canada. Topical areas including; Peer Program Review / Technical Assistance / Resource Sharing / Capacity Building Techniques / Regional Networking Channels / Male Engagement Strategies and Gender Equality Methodologies, utilizing the expertise of NAMEN Board Members, MenEngage Alliance and International Leaders in the field.
In 2022, NAMEN was awarded a generous grant to conduct an international Policy Report, canvassing the community based organizations rooted in the work of promoting Gender Equality, Domestic Violence Prevention, Anti-colonization and Intersectionality focusing on engaging men and boys in this quest.
As a result of the in depth outreach process conducted, including noted grassroots nonprofits, community based feminist organizations led by women of color and prolific indigenous community programs, the findings indicate that a gap exists within the sphere of programmatic development and sustainable male impact, combined with areas of national / regional collaboration and creative resource development, key pillars in NAMEN’s mission.
To amplify this point, key questions emanating from the Policy Report were raised highlighting the collective need for support articulated by local organizations and NAMEN’s continued role as a convener of supportive services and networking;
‘Many perspectives around engaging men seem to center on men and boys of color as whole people but not on encouraging action by men and boys of color in direct support of gender equality initiatives. Groups operated by men of color focused on engaging men to question the role that violence, ideas surrounding violence, and patterns of violence play in their ability to show health-seeking behavior.
We note that the significant theme amongst these groups, and we imagine a similar pattern exists across all of the regions we are discussing, is that the work is taking place at almost a hyper-local level. These communities are deeply impacted by their work. Systemic approaches seem to be less critical-and perhaps less feasible-than community level change.
Should we assume that these organizations see value in aligning themselves with national efforts or organizations? Are there additional resources available based on their engagement? Is a national approach more effective at ending gender-based violence and transforming masculinities in their communities than a hyperlocal focus?’(1)
Therefore, we look forward to addressing these questions and resolving these topical issues brought forth on behalf of NAMEN members as we know there is strength in unity and collective work, sharing the best practices, methodologies and male engagement strategies proven effective over time.
To begin the “One on One with Coach” sessions, whereby a preliminary discussion and program assessment will be conducted, simply contact Coach Lynn; and a doodle poll will be sent, requesting convenient dates and times for the consultation.
{NAMEN Policy Report 2022; Engaging Men & Transforming Masculinities from Critical Perspectives in the U.S and Canada: A Multi-sector Research Report. Assagai.C Author}